FOX NEWS FOX BIZ NEWS: Are markets overreacting to coronavirus? By NEWS WEBSITE Mar 16, 2020 Comment Edit Baca JugaFOX BIZ NEWS: NYC Mayor-elect Eric Adams wants to be paid in bitcoinFOX BIZ NEWS: Miami mayor to accept salary in bitcoin: 'We're not going to be enforcing it'FOX BIZ NEWS: News Corp profit surges on gains in real estate, book publishing, news media Are markets overreacting to coronavirus? The U.S. markets looked beyond coronavirus when it was just in China because it seemed to be an isolated illness, BNY Mellon chief strategist Alicia Levine tells FOX Business' Gerry Baker. Related PostsFOX BIZ NEWS: 5G should evolve in a local, robust ecosystem: ExpertFOX BIZ NEWS: What is cybercrime?FOX BIZ NEWS: Facebook will start flagging some political content that violates its policiesFOX BIZ NEWS: Closing America's economy would be detrimental: Bobby Jindal
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